The picture has nothing to do with this post... I just liked it and knew Heather would want a picture with the blog entry (we love you Heather!)
Just wanted to post an update on new things Andrew is doing. First of all, he is starting to RUN! He has to keep up with the big kids at daycare, you know! He is talking up a storm (well, maybe not quite but he has new words coming out all of the time). Some new and not-so-new are "uh-oh", which means "Hey, mommy, I'm about to drop this so pay attention!", "bubbles!!!", always said pointing at the sky... even when there are no bubbles :), "splash" because we splash around in the tub... and tonight I think he said "mirror" when we were reading Pat the Bunny. He loves telling people "bye-bye" too and he pretends he is leaving the room (or house!) and tells us bye. It is really cute. Tonight he was really sleepy and told me bye-bye right after I kissed him goodnight because he was ready to get in the bed! He loves playing with other kids. Tonight we went to the park and spent a few minutes on the playground. Andrew slid down the slide and made friends with a little boy named Jorge, who was probably 4 and called him "baby" :). They had fun racing each other down the slide (it was a really wide slide that 2 kids could fit on). Andrew was in awe of the fact that Jorge could use a scooter. Then we walked around, or rather I walked and Andrew rode in the stroller and tried to get everyone else on the walking trail to talk to him. He was pretty successful too. :) He loves daycare now and has big grins walking in the door to daycare... he will even go to the church nursery now without a fuss! Oh, and he loves his puppy and always presses his nose to hear "Itsy-Bitsy Spider". He can even make the spider hand motion. Okay, this was a longer update than I meant to share (and there is more I could share!) but he is just learning so much lately! It is so amazing to watch him learn new stuff!