I picked Andrew up a little early from daycare today. The Jeep is having some air-conditioning issues so by the time we got home we were both *really* hot. So we decided to make Kool-Aid! Andrew picked out cherry (of course, it's red) and he poured in the Kool-Aid mix and the sugar and helped add the water and stir. Of course we ended up with sugar and a flood of water on the floor (and on Andrew and me). But Andrew had SO much fun and he was so proud of himself! Then, of course, we got to enjoy the Kool-Aid. I couldn't take pictures during the process, but here is the aftermath! :)
Friday, July 27, 2007
What a big helper!
I picked Andrew up a little early from daycare today. The Jeep is having some air-conditioning issues so by the time we got home we were both *really* hot. So we decided to make Kool-Aid! Andrew picked out cherry (of course, it's red) and he poured in the Kool-Aid mix and the sugar and helped add the water and stir. Of course we ended up with sugar and a flood of water on the floor (and on Andrew and me). But Andrew had SO much fun and he was so proud of himself! Then, of course, we got to enjoy the Kool-Aid. I couldn't take pictures during the process, but here is the aftermath! :)
Sunday, July 22, 2007
A quick update...
and some pictures of course. Andrew *loves* Blue and Pooh lately. They get dragged around by their ears a lot and hugs and kisses and yesterday afternoon they got to eat snack with Andrew. He tried to feed them too. (Tonight at dinner he tried to feed his bumblebee puppet mac & cheese too!).
Click on the pictures to make them bigger:

Click on the pictures to make them bigger:
Friday, July 06, 2007
18 month update
I haven't been posting pics lately because when I try to take them I end up getting pictures like this:
or this:
. :) And I just haven't had time to take many pictures to begin with...
Andrew had his 18 month checkup today and here's how he has grown and changed over the past few months. He now weighs 23 lbs, 7.5 oz. and is 32.5 inches long. He is *running* all over the place, he loves to "read" and be read to (I can't imagine who he got that from!), he is fascinated with animals and is too cute telling you what sounds they make (I have to try to get a video of us reading Moo, Baa, La, La, La -- or "La, La" in Andrew-ese). He loves to point to and name body parts. He is talking up a storm! I stsrted making a list but it got really lengthy so I'll put it at the end (sorry, this blog is my baby book until I find time to do the real one!). He says real words and jabbers a lot too (he knows what he's saying but we don't yet!) He talks on the phone (real and imaginary) and loves on (and occasionally disciplines) the kitties. He eats pretty well with a fork and spoon (and luckily for us still loves fruits & veggies). We have been so fortunate to have such a happy and good-natured (and adorable) little boy! :) And I'll try to do better at taking pictures of him for all of you who don't get to see him face-to-face.
Here's the word-list: He can say *all* of these words (plus more I am probably leaving out): Mommy (and mama), Daddy (and dad), Granny, Nana, Blue (teddy bear), please, thank you, good job!, clean up, eat, truck, Jesus, Bible, book, Little Einsteins ("Steins"), duck, dog, teddy (for Teddy Grahams), "what's that?" (what-dat?), baby, nose, eye, ear, toe, hair, head, night-night ("ni-ni"), no, outside, fish, whoa! (back seat driving!), yay!, tea, berry (for strawberries), nana (for banana), keys, dragon (for his "That's Not My Dragon" book), giraffe, ball, monkey (I think he says "kitty" for monkey!), zebra, "here you go", bear, yes ("yeth"), "there he is" or "there it is", block, face, kitty, cat, bubbles, puzzle ("puzz"), diaper ("biper"), shoes, fish, go, trash, hello, hi, bye-bye, "I love you", "Let's go!", milk, up ("uh"), uh-oh, cup, vroom, Nemo ("Nanu"), Elmo (also "Nanu" or "Melmo"), cookie, pretty... probably more. Oh, and animal sounds: moo, baa, oink, woof, bow-wow, meow, sss, ee-ee (monkey), quack, neigh, ribbit. In Andrew's world, sheep say "moo" much of the time too. :)
Andrew had his 18 month checkup today and here's how he has grown and changed over the past few months. He now weighs 23 lbs, 7.5 oz. and is 32.5 inches long. He is *running* all over the place, he loves to "read" and be read to (I can't imagine who he got that from!), he is fascinated with animals and is too cute telling you what sounds they make (I have to try to get a video of us reading Moo, Baa, La, La, La -- or "La, La" in Andrew-ese). He loves to point to and name body parts. He is talking up a storm! I stsrted making a list but it got really lengthy so I'll put it at the end (sorry, this blog is my baby book until I find time to do the real one!). He says real words and jabbers a lot too (he knows what he's saying but we don't yet!) He talks on the phone (real and imaginary) and loves on (and occasionally disciplines) the kitties. He eats pretty well with a fork and spoon (and luckily for us still loves fruits & veggies). We have been so fortunate to have such a happy and good-natured (and adorable) little boy! :) And I'll try to do better at taking pictures of him for all of you who don't get to see him face-to-face.
Here's the word-list: He can say *all* of these words (plus more I am probably leaving out): Mommy (and mama), Daddy (and dad), Granny, Nana, Blue (teddy bear), please, thank you, good job!, clean up, eat, truck, Jesus, Bible, book, Little Einsteins ("Steins"), duck, dog, teddy (for Teddy Grahams), "what's that?" (what-dat?), baby, nose, eye, ear, toe, hair, head, night-night ("ni-ni"), no, outside, fish, whoa! (back seat driving!), yay!, tea, berry (for strawberries), nana (for banana), keys, dragon (for his "That's Not My Dragon" book), giraffe, ball, monkey (I think he says "kitty" for monkey!), zebra, "here you go", bear, yes ("yeth"), "there he is" or "there it is", block, face, kitty, cat, bubbles, puzzle ("puzz"), diaper ("biper"), shoes, fish, go, trash, hello, hi, bye-bye, "I love you", "Let's go!", milk, up ("uh"), uh-oh, cup, vroom, Nemo ("Nanu"), Elmo (also "Nanu" or "Melmo"), cookie, pretty... probably more. Oh, and animal sounds: moo, baa, oink, woof, bow-wow, meow, sss, ee-ee (monkey), quack, neigh, ribbit. In Andrew's world, sheep say "moo" much of the time too. :)
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