But we went downstairs to open presents instead (with promises to play with Eddie later). So first Andrew found...
"Snowman Stocking!" with all sorts of goodies. Play-doh and a couple of candycanes and other little things with all got dumped out.
And a toothbrush! And when you are almost 2, you know what to do with a toothbrush, you brush your teeth! Even if it is in the middle of opening Christmas presents!
After going through all of his fun stocking stuffers, Andrew announced "I want to ride my tricycle". But, first, what is this?
Oh, a hat!
Chad got presents too (me too, but since I'm always the one taking the pictures...)
Oh, and Andrew got his first real pillow from Mommy & Daddy. I have to put in a commercial here for Kims Pillow Fights on Ebay.
Andrew played a bit (Play-doh, of course... expect a blog soon asking for advice on getting Play-doh out of carpet... oh, wait, I've already asked that about my rug at work... at least working with kids prepares me for what is to come!)
And we had Peach French Toast for breakfast (a new tradition, apparently) and a good lunch too. Andrew liked the ham. :)
We went outside to play...
And talked to family...
And played some more... and that will probably be it for the day!