We have had a great week here... it has been busy though! I took Monday off work for my birthday and Chad's boss sent them home at lunch for an extra-long holiday... so all of us met my friend Kim and her little boy Brennan for lunch. Then Tuesday we went over to Aunt Nancy's for a 4th of July cookout. Aunt Nancy and Debbie were nice enough to baby-sit Andrew that night and Chad and I went to see Les Mis (which was amazing!). When we got back to pick up Andrew around 11:00 pm he had woken up. He was so excited to see us and got so worked up it took a long time to get him to sleep once we got home. The work week flew by and Friday we packed up the Jeep to go visit my mom in Hendersonville. We got there about 11:00 pm (we aren't so great at getting out of the house on time...) and poor Andrew woke up again. He was so excited to see his Granny (and cousin Ashley) that he felt like he had to socialize with them before going back to bed. :) Saturday we got up and went to the park (Hendersonville has an amazing park too... I can't wait until Andrew is bigger and can really play there!) and went shopping and to get Andrew's picture taken. Sunday we went to church and over to my Aunt Jean's for lunch and back home again! Andrew slept almost all of the way home from Nashville and then slept until after 7:00 this morning... I guess our week finally caught up with him! I'll post pics soon!
Wow! You guys STAY busy don't you? :-) Thanks so much for sharing all of the time. I really appreciate it since I'm so far away. And I LOVED his pictures you sent out yesterday! He's just so sweet and cute.
what sweet pics! thanks melody!
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