Friday, July 27, 2007

What a big helper!

I picked Andrew up a little early from daycare today. The Jeep is having some air-conditioning issues so by the time we got home we were both *really* hot. So we decided to make Kool-Aid! Andrew picked out cherry (of course, it's red) and he poured in the Kool-Aid mix and the sugar and helped add the water and stir. Of course we ended up with sugar and a flood of water on the floor (and on Andrew and me). But Andrew had SO much fun and he was so proud of himself! Then, of course, we got to enjoy the Kool-Aid. I couldn't take pictures during the process, but here is the aftermath! :)

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Anonymous said...

How precious, Melody. Thanks so much for sharing sweet updates with us. I know it was hot there today and the koolaid was a wonderful treat to enjoy.

It probably was as good on him as In

love to you all,

aunt nancy

Tammie's Thoughts said...

He looks really proud of his kool-aid making accomplishments!