Wednesday, August 01, 2007

Reading is FUN!

Andrew LOVES to read. Last night he read Brown Bear, Brown Bear, What Do You See? to me. On the last page, he pointed to every animal and said, "What-dat? Bear!", "What-dat? Howse!", "What-dat? Duck!", etc. -- which is sort of my routine after I read the last page of the book to him. It was so cute! Then, this morning, we were reading That's Not My Dragon!. The book says, "That's not my dragon! It's ears are too tufty!", etc., etc. and the last page says "THAT's my dragon! It's wings are so scaly!" This morning after I read him the book, Andrew wanted to read it again. This is Andrew's version: "No! BlahBlahBlah", "No! BlahBlahBlah" (random babbling). Last page -- "Ooooh! BlahBlahBlah" Same inflection as Mama reads! It was sooo cute, and I was impressed that he took the "That's not my dragon!" and turned it to "No!", easier toddler-ese for the same concept. :) I love that I have a little boy who loves to read! (And, yes, I'll have to get a picture! I can't believe it is already August!)


Anonymous said...

How sweet! Thank you for sharing Melody! That made me smile big time! :-) Love you! Heather

Anonymous said...

How precious. This is so wonderful. I am so thankful he loves to read. That is such an important thing for him.

Can't wait to see you all,

Love you all,

aunt nancy