Tuesday, October 31, 2006

Halloween 2006

Andrew had such a big day! In the afternoon, he and Kim and Brennan went to the Collierville Town Square to go Trick-or-Treating. When Chad and I got home, we all went to a church nearby that was having a Fall Festival for preschoolers. They had games set up for the kids to play and, of course, gave out candy! Andrew was too little to play most of the games, but he loved picking up ducks from the duck pond and playing in the ball pit! He was dressed as a little penguin and everyone thought he was adorable. Andrew also got presents during the day -- he got a hat full of baby treats from Martha and a tin of butter cookies from his Antzy. He thought the cookies were yummy (and the box was a hit too!). We had so much fun this Halloween! Here is a sampling of our night!

Sunday, October 29, 2006

Our Fall Weekend

Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting We had another big weekend. Yesterday we went to a Trunk-or-Treat at Melody's work. Andrew loved getting to see the other kids and babies, looking around at the Halloween decorations, and playing with the balloons (he likes to tug on the strings of helium balloons... and crawl around taking them with him too!). Then tonight we went to a family night at Grace Crossing, a church we've been visiting. We had a chili supper and an amazing devotional outside. Andrew loved the singing and looking around and playing with a basset hound puppy one of the members brought. We all had a wonderful weekend (and wish we could have taken more pictures!)

Monday, October 23, 2006

Pumpkin Patch Pics

Just some pictures from this weekend...