Wednesday, February 21, 2007

He is getting so grown up!

Andrew has learned so much over the past couple of months! Besides words he knew when he turned one , he can say: cheese!, cracker (quack-a?), cookie (cook-co?), mmmmmwwaaah! (hugs and kisses sound... he gives real kisses now too!), baby (baba), kitty (ke-ey), and probably more words that I am forgetting. His favorite book right now is Pat the Bunny and he knows everything he is supposed to do as soon as you turn the page (or before you turn the page... last night he spent the whole book saying "bye-bye!" which is on the last page). Tonight he gave me real goodnight hugs and kisses for the first time. It was soooo sweet! He wants to walk all of the time now and thinks it is so cool that he can walk around outside holding Mommy or Daddy's hand. He's such a cutie... just had to share some things he is doing with everyone! And a couple of pictures of course...

Valentine's Day: Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting

Playing last night (he was apparently *really* tired!): Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting

Monday, February 12, 2007

Life on this end of the phone line...

Andrew was so cute on the phone tonight! Just thought all of you who talk to him on the phone might like to see pics from this end. (Sorry for the upset Andrew pic... he doesn't like it when he has to give the phone back.)

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Sunday, February 11, 2007

Random update...

I went to pick Andrew up from daycare on Friday and he had a surprise for me! :) So this is Andrew's first work of art to get displayed on our refrigerator...

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And just a random picture:

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Monday, February 05, 2007

Lovin' the kitty...

Andrew and Oliver adore each other... Andrew hugs on Oliver or Oliver curls up with Andrew all of the time, but this is the first time I've seen them actually play together. Oliver was playing with the string on Andrew's telephone, and then Chad held up the phone so Oliver could play with the dangling string. So this is what happened next:

Aren't they the cutest???

Saturday, February 03, 2007

A Great Cut!

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Andrew finally got his first haircut today (I know some people out there are really happy about that!). The hair stylist gave him a little Elmo microphone to play with and Chad entertained him while I snapped pictures (of course!). He sat still and was happy and overall did great! The hair stylist was really nice to all of us and she cut Andrew's hair for free since it was his first haircut. We thought that was really nice! Here are some pics of our new haircuts! If you hold your mouse pointer over the picture it will show the caption.

Oh, and a video... but I keep forgetting you can't take videos with the camera sideways...