Saturday, April 07, 2007

15 month update

Andrew went to the doctor for his 15 month checkup on Wednesday. He weighs 22 pounds, 7 oz. and is 31 inches tall. He is doing great! So here's the info on Andrew at 15 months:

He can:
Give "five"
Walk up steps holding Mommy or Daddy's hands (but not the ones at our house, they are too tall!)
Try to run
Eat with a fork or spoon (when he wants to... fingers are still faster!)
Point to nose and eyes (and head when "Head, Shoulders, Knees & Toes) is on.
Dance! :)
Say lots of words and some animal sounds: mama, daddy, nana (his babysitter), Blue (his teddy bear), fish (sh), kitty, more (and sign more too!), ball, shoe, splash, bye-bye, hi, cracker, cookie, baby, mmmm, uh-oh (have to get that one on video for you!), whoa!, up, cheese!, nose, quack, woof!, neigh, moo, bubbles

Here's a picture from Friday! :)

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