Tuesday, September 25, 2007

Finally updating...

It has been a while since I've put an update on here... we didn't even take any pictures for 3 weeks (a new record, I'm sure!). I have just been amazed lately by how big Andrew is getting... I've had several times when I've glanced up and thought, "wow, look at that little boy!" and then realized it was Andrew looking so grown up! He is definitely not a baby anymore! He is running around and saying all sorts of things (though my favorite is still "I wuv yous!"). He is really attached to Elmo and Pooh Bear and Blue so they travel around with him a lot. He loves making animal sounds and dancing to music and singing songs and being a little helper. Here are some new pictures and videos!

Dancing to the ABC's (at the end, he had to have me join in!) :)

I can't believe I'm showing this one (I promise he doesn't run around in a diaper all the time while we sit and watch TV in a messy living room). But it was such a good glimpse into how he is playing and how much he is talking now I thought people would love to see!

And a couple pictures from a Popsicle he shared with his Daddy...

Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket

Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket


Anonymous said...

Awww...those videos are so cute! He's so adorable and funny! He's growing so much! I can't see the pictures though...they aren't coming through. Can you email them to me? Love you!

Tammie's Thoughts said...

So precious! And you living room looks like all other living rooms that have an active little boy who live there and spend time with their mom and dad- just as it should!

Anonymous said...

Thank you so much, Melody, for sharing the videos and pictures of Andrew. They are truly wonderful. He really is getting to be a big boy and such a good talker. I miss you all very much and enjoy these updates more than you can imagine.

Love to each of you,

aunt nancy

Anonymous said...

He is so adorable and "singing" his abc's is just too cute.